What is “art”? How best to outline the term “art” could be a subject of constant contention; several books and journal articles are revealed conflict over even the fundamentals of what we have a tendency to mean by the term “art”. Theodor Adorno claimed in 1969 “It is taken for granted that nothing regarding art is taken for granted.” Artists, philosophers, anthropologists, psychologists and website designers use the notion of art in their individual fields, and provides it…

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Web Design Jobs

The web designer and web developer are two primary jobs involved in creating a website, and there are not much difference of works between them, one can replace his/her position with the other. The web designers are responsible for the visual aspect, which includes the layout, font, coloring and image of a web page. They…

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Homepage Design

Most of website designers have often emphasized homepage design for website success and asserted that the homepage is the most important page on a website and homepage design is the most important task of website design. However, practice indicates that a number of website traffic is bypassing the homepage, going directly to internal content pages…

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Motion Graphics for Web Pages

The use of motion graphics in website design is a matter which belongs to user experience as it brings affections on page layout and user interface. The choice of whether or not to use motion graphics may depend on or decide by customers. In general, the best choices of using motion graphics are to belong…

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Page Layout of a Website

It can be sure that a part of the user interface design is affected by the quality and dynamic ability of the page layout, a designer may also consider whether the site’s page layout should remain consistent on different pages of a website when designing the layout. At beginning, the designers can decide to have…

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